Jordan Koussis AFIAP, LRPS, GPU.CR1, R-ISF2, M.APS, GPU.Aphrodite
I was born in Athens, Greece in 1959 and graduated from the Pharmaceutical School of the University of Athens in 1982. Photography has been my biggest love since 1973. I have participated in many Greek and International Salons under FIAP patronage, gaining several distinctions and titles. I was a founding member of the Hellenic Leica Club where I had the honour to be a president from 1994 until 1996 and also the PSA (Photographic Society of America) Representative of Greece for many years.
Not only were I blessed to experience some of the best film photography decades, 70's to 90's, but also to witness the huge digital revolution in photography and manage to follow at a high level each and every step of it, during the first difficult years, the rapid improvements up to today's glory. I love both worlds, although film days were definitely the best.
I use Leica M, Hasselblad X and Sony A7R systems. I shoot Real Estate, Portraits in studio and on location, Street, Events, Cityscapes and Commercial photography, in a wide variety of themes. I hope that you enjoy some of my pictures.
contact: m6j@me.com